Mystery Dungeon cards

AgilityBasicSkill0Retain. Draw 2 (4) cards. Exhaust.
AttractSpecialSkill1Gain 8 (11) block. Spend 5 gold. Create a Snatch (an upgraded Snatch) in your hand. Exhaust.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
Explorer's deckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your explorer.
FlinchSpecialAttack1Deal 3 (4) damage 2 times. Scry 1 (2). Exhaust.
FlurrySpecialAttack0Ethereal. Spend 2 gold. Deal 5 (8) damage. Exhaust.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Partner's DeckSpecialSkillWill become a deck of 5 cards once you choose your partner.
Skull Bash Go!SpecialAttack3 (2)Retain. Deal 60 damage to ALL enemies. If this is the leftmost card of your hand, deal another 60 damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Skull Bash: Set!SpecialSkill2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Add a Skull Bash: Go! into your draw pile. Exhaust.
AttackCommonStatusAdd a random Attack to your hand.
Negative StanceCommonStatusEnter mysterydungeon:Negative_Stance.
Positive StanceCommonStatusEnter mysterydungeon:Positive_Stance.
SkillCommonStatusAdd a random Skill to your hand.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Leech SeedBasicSkill1Apply 2 (3) mysterydungeon:Leech_Seed. Exhaust.
TackleBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
ChlorophyllCommonSkill1Draw 1 (2) card(s). If you drew an (For each) Attack (drawn this way), gain 1 Strength.
Defense CurlCommonSkill1Gain 9 (13) Block.
GrowlCommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies.
Poison JabCommonAttack1Deal 5 (6) damage. Apply 2 (3) Poison 2 times.
Poison PowderCommonSkill1Apply 4 (6) Poison to ALL enemies.
Razor LeafCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Draw 1 card.
Sweet ScentCommonSkill1 (0)Apply 2 mysterydungeon:Evasiveness_Drop. Apply 2 Vulnerable
SynthesisCommonSkill3Heal 10 (12) HP. At the start of your next turn, draw 2 more cards and gain [E] [E]. Exhaust.
Vine WhipCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. At the start of your next turn gain [E].
Bullet SeedUncommonAttack1Deal 3 damage 2 (3) times. Can be upgraded multiple times.
GrowthUncommonPower2Gain 3 (4) Strength.
IngrainUncommonSkill1Apply 1 mysterydungeon:Leech_Seed to a random enemy 3 (4) times. Lose 2 Dexterity. Exhaust.
Mega DrainUncommonSkill1Heal 1 HP per different debuff on the enemy.(Next turn draw 1 more card.)
Petal BlizzardUncommonAttack1Deal 10 (14) damage to ALL enemies.
Petal DanceUncommonPower2Deal 7 damage to ALL enemies at the end of your turn for the next 2 (3) turns. This damage behaves like Attack damage.
Poison PointUncommonPower2 (1)Gain 2 mysterydungeon:Poison_Thorns.
Power WhipUncommonAttack2Retain. Deal 20 (24) damage.
ProtectUncommonSkill1Gain 20 (25) Block. You cannot gain Block from cards during the next 1 turns.
Secret PowerUncommonSkill0Innate. Add random (upgraded) Power in your hand. Exhaust
Seed BombUncommonAttackXDeal 10 (13) damage to a random enemy X times.
Sleep PowderUncommonSkill2Apply 1 (2) mysterydungeon:Asleep to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Sludge BombUncommonSkill2Apply 10 (14) Poison.
Strength SapUncommonSkill1Enemy loses 1 (2) Strength. Gain 1 (2) Strength if enemy lost Strength that way. Exhaust.
ToxicUncommonSkill1(Innate.)Apply 1 mysterydungeon:Toxic to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Worry SeedUncommonPower1 (0)Your card rewards will contain 1 more card choice.
YawnUncommonSkill3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Apply 1 mysterydungeon:Asleep right before this enemy acts (after Poison, etc.). Exhaust.
Double EdgeRareAttack1Deal 1 damage (!M! times). Gain Strength equal to the unblocked damage dealt. Exhaust.
Explorer FormRarePower3Gain 6 (8) Regen. At the start of your turn lose 1 Dexterity.
Frenzy PlantRareAttack1Deal 4 damage 3 (4) times. Apply 2 Poison 3 (4) times. You cannot heal during this turn.
Giga DrainRareAttack3 (2)Ethereal. Deal 10 damage. Heal HP equal to unblocked damage.
RestRarePower3Heal 40 HP. mysterydungeon:Rest for 4 (3) turns.
Solar BeamRareAttack3Deal 27 (35) damage to ALL enemies. Draw 2 less cards during your next turn.
Stun SporeRareSkill2(Innate.)Apply 1 Slow. Exhaust.
Sunny DayRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the start of each turn, draw one more card and reduce by 1 the cost of the card with the highest cost in your hand.
VenoshockRareAttack2Deal 10 damage. Deals 1 (2) additional damage for each stack of Poison of the enemy.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
EmberBasicAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Apply mysterydungeon:Burn equal to the unblocked damage.
ScratchBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Air CutterCommonAttack1Deal 4 damage to ALL enemies 2 (3) times.
Air SlashCommonAttack1Deal 3 damage. If the enemy intends to attack, gain 8 (11) Block.
CounterCommonSkill2Gain 12 (16) Block. If you lose all Block and take damage from an attack, deal 12 (16) damage to the attacker.
Fire FangCommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage. Apply 7 (9) mysterydungeon:Burn.
FlingCommonAttack0(Deal 5 damage and apply 3 mysterydungeon:Burn)Exhaust up to 4 cards. (NL) Deal 5 damage and apply 3 mysterydungeon:Burn per card exhausted that way. Exhaust.
Heat WaveCommonSkill1Gain 7 (9) Block. Apply 7 (9) mysterydungeon:Burn. Exhaust a random (not random)card in your hand.
Metal ClawCommonAttack0Deal 3 damage. All your mysterydungeon:Claws deal 2 (3) more damage this combat.
Scary FaceCommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Blast BurnUncommonAttack2Deal 18 (22) damage. Exhaust your hand.
Dragon BreathUncommonSkill0Gain [E] for every 3 cards in your exhaust pile.(Gain [E].)
Dragon ClawUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies. (Scales when using Metal Claw.)
Dragon DanceUncommonSkill0Exhaust 2 cards. (not Exhaust 2 cards.) Draw 4 cards. (not.)NL (You cannot play this card if you cannot exhaust (Exhaust) 2 cards.) (.)
Dragon PulseUncommonSkillUnplayable. When drawn: Add a random card from your exhaust pile on the top of draw pile. After activating this effect 2 (3) times: Exhaust.
Dragon RushUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (13) damage. Choose a card from your exhaust pile and add it to your discard pile. Exhaust a random card from your draw pile. Exhaust.
Dragon TailUncommonAttackUnplayable. When exhausted: Deal 5 damage to ALL enemies. Add a copy of this card on top of your draw pile.(Next Turn, draw 1 more card.)
DroughtUncommonPower2 (1)When you apply mysterydungeon:Burn, apply 3 more.
FacadeUncommonPower1Gain 1 (2) Dexterity and 1 Artifact.
FlamethrowerUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage to ALL enemies. Apply 5 mysterydungeon:Burn to ALL enemies.
FrustrationUncommonPower1 (0)At the end of each turn, retain a card. This card will become Ethereal after being retained.
Heat CrashUncommonSkill1Apply 7 mysterydungeon:Burn. When this enemy dies, deal damage equal to its mysterydungeon:Burn stacks to ALL enemies. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
InfernoUncommonSkill1Apply 12 (16) mysterydungeon:Burn to ALL enemies.
OutrageUncommonPower1Whenever you exhaust a card, apply 3 (4) mysterydungeon:Burn to a random enemy.
Shadow ClawUncommonAttack1Deal 3 damage. Gain 3 (6) Block. This cards Block gets more Block instead of damage when using Metal Claw.
SmokescreenUncommonSkill2Gain 1 Intangible. Gain 3 (2) Weak. Exhaust.
Solar PowerUncommonPower2(Innate.)At the start of each turn, gain 1 Strength if an enemy is affected by mysterydungeon:Burn.
Will-O-WispUncommonSkillXApply X (X+1) Weak. Apply 3X (3(X+1)) mysterydungeon:Burn. Exhaust.
BlazeRarePower0Gain 2 Vulnerable. The first (2) time(s) you spend all energy each turn, gain [E].
Dragon RageRareAttack2 (1)Ethereal. Enemy loses 40 HP. Exhaust.
Explorer FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the start of your turn, add 1 random card from your exhaust pile to your hand. Draw one less card per turn.
Fire BlastRareAttack1Deal 15 (20) damage. Apply 15 (20) mysterydungeon:Burn. Exhaust.
Fire SpinRareSkill2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Apply Poison equal to its mysterydungeon:Burn. Remove ALL its mysterydungeon:Burn.
Flare BlitzRareAttack2Deal damage equal to 7 (10) times the number of exhausted cards this combat.
OverheatRareAttack2 (1)Deal 5 damage. Deal additional damage equal to the number of mysterydungeon:Burn stacks on the enemy.
Sleep TalkRarePower2The first (2) time(s) you exhaust a card each turn, add a random card to your hand.
Tail WindRarePower2 (1)At the start of your turn, draw 1 more card. The first card you play each turn costs 0 and exhausts.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Razor LeafBasicAttack1Lose 2 HP. Deal 14 (18) damage.
TackleBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Body SlamCommonAttack2Deal 16 (22) damage. Next Turn, lose 3 HP.
CutCommonAttack0Lose 1 HP. Deal 5 (8) damage.
FlailCommonSkillUnplayable. Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) When drawn, gain 3 Temporary Strength.
Fury CutterCommonAttack1Ethereal. Deal 7 damage. Increase this card damage by 3 (5) this combat. Lose 2 HP. Add a copy of that card in your hand next turn and lose 2 HP. Exhaust.
GrowlCommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies.
Magical LeafCommonAttack1Deal 4 damage to a random enemy 2 (3) times.
RefreshCommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Temporary HP.
Seed BombCommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage. Next turn, draw 2 more cards.
Sweet ScentCommonSkill1 (0)Apply 2 mysterydungeon:Evasiveness_Drop. Apply 2 Vulnerable.
Ancient PowerUncommonAttack2Deal 11 (14) damage. If you are missing more than 30% of your HP, deal 11 (14) damage.
AromatherapyUncommonPower2Whenever you take damage, gain 1 Strength.(Next turn, lose 1 HP)
ConfideUncommonSkill2Apply 3 (5) Weak to ALL enemies. Apply 3 (5) mysterydungeon:Evasiveness_Drop to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Grass PledgeUncommonSkill1Gain 5 (7) Temporary HP. If you play another mysterydungeon:Pledge_Card this turn, activate an additional effect.
Grass WhistleUncommonSkill1(Retain.)Apply mysterydungeon:Asleep to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Heal PulseUncommonPower1(Innate.)Whenever you inflict self damage or heal (gain) HP during your turn, gain 1 Block.
Magic CoatUncommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Temporary HP. Draw 1 card.
Natural GiftUncommonPower2 (1)Gain 2 Strength. Gain 2 Block at the end of your turn.
Nature Power: GrassUncommonSkill0Lose 4 HP. Draw 2 (3) cards.
OvergrowUncommonPower1Whenever you heal 3 (2) or more HP, for every 3 (2) HP healed, gain 1 Strength.
Petal BlizzardUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage to ALL enemies.
Secret PowerUncommonSkill0Innate. Add a random (upgraded) Power to your hand. Exhaust.
SnoreUncommonSkill1If the enemy intends to attack, apply 1 mysterydungeon:Asleep. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
SynthesisUncommonSkillUnplayable. When drawn: if you have mysterydungeon:Recovery, gain 7 Recovery stacks. After activating this effect 2 (3) times: Exhaust.
Vine WhipUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Draw 1 (2) card(s).
Worry SeedUncommonSkillUnplayable. Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) When drawn: (drawn) draw 2 cards. While in hand, lose (Lose) 1 HP when you play a (per) card (played).
Energy BallRareAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
Explorer FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) When you heal HP, deal damage to ALL enemies equal to twice the amount healed.
Grass KnotRareSkill3 (2)Remove 33% of the enemy's remaining HP. Exhaust.
Grassy TerrainRarePower3Increase your max HP by 3 (4).
Leaf GuardRarePower1At the end of your turn, remove all debuff you possess. For each debuff removed this way lose 4 (3) HP.
Leaf StormRareAttack2Lose 1 HP 3 (4) times. Deal 6 damage 3 (4) times.
Petal DanceRareSkillUnplayable. When drawn: Gain 2 (4) Temporary HP and deal 4 (8) damage to all enemies. Increase the amount of Temporary HP by 2 and the damage by 4 this combat.
Solar BeamRareAttack3Deal 22 (30) damage to ALL enemies. Draw 2 less cards during your next turn.
Sunny DayRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) When dealing damage to yourself, for every 3 HP lost draw a card.
Wring OutRareAttack3Deal 32 (40) damage. Lose 4 HP.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Flame WheelBasicSkill2(Retain.)Apply 8 mysterydungeon:Burn twice. Cause an mysterydungeon:Eruption. End your turn.
TackleBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Crush ClawCommonAttack2Deal 12 damage to ALL enemies. Your next mysterydungeon:Eruption will deal 50% more damage. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
EmberCommonAttack0Deal 5 (7) damage. Apply 5 (7) mysterydungeon:Burn.
FlingCommonSkill0Apply 5 mysterydungeon:Burn twice. Gain [E] ([E]). Exhaust.
IncinerateCommonSkill1Apply 16 (22) mysterydungeon:Burn.
LeerCommonSkill0Apply 2 Vulnerable.(Remove all the target's Block.)
OverheatCommonSkill1 (0)Retain. Trigger an mysterydungeon:Eruption. Exhaust.
ReversalCommonSkill1If the enemy has mysterydungeon:Burn, gain 7 (10) Block. If the enemy has no mysterydungeon:Burn stacks, apply 14 (17) mysterydungeon:Burn.
Rock SlideCommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage. If the enemy has mysterydungeon:Burn stacks, gain [E] [E] next turn.
RolloutCommonAttack1Deal 3 (4) damage. Gain 3 (4) Block per card played this turn.
Shadow ClawCommonAttack0Add a Dazed in your draw pile. Deal 7 (10) damage.
Blast BurnUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (12) damage. Apply 10 (12) mysterydungeon:Burn. Trigger an mysterydungeon:Eruption. End your Turn.
CounterUncommonPower1At the end of your turn, spend all leftover energy. For every energy spent this way gain 6 Block.(Gain !B! Block.)
CurseUncommonPower0Each turn, the first (2) time(s) you draw a Curse or a Status, gain [E].
EruptionUncommonSkill1Trigger an mysterydungeon:Eruption that hits ALL enemies. End your turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
FacadeUncommonPower1Gain 2 (3) Dexterity. Add a Burn to your draw pile.
Fire PledgeUncommonSkill1Apply 12 (15) mysterydungeon:Burn to ALL enemies. If you play another mysterydungeon:Pledge_Card this turn, activate an additional effect.
Flame BurstUncommonSkill2Apply 15 mysterydungeon:Burn. Next turn, trigger (cause) an mysterydungeon:Eruption.(Your next Eruption Deals 50% more damage.)
Flame ChargeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Gain 7 (9) Block. Apply 7 (9) mysterydungeon:Burn.
FlamethrowerUncommonAttack1Add a Burn status card in your draw pile. Deal 1 damage to a random enemy 3 (4) times. Apply 9 mysterydungeon:Burn to random enemies 3 (4) times.
FrustrationUncommonSkill1(Retain.)Apply 12 mysterydungeon:Burn. Next turn, at the end of your turn cause an mysterydungeon:Eruption.
Heat WaveUncommonSkill2Gain 14 (18) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, apply 9 mysterydungeon:Burn to your attacker.
HowlUncommonSkill1Add 2 (1) Burn to your draw pile. Next turn gain [E] [E] [E].
InfernoUncommonSkill1Your next mysterydungeon:Eruption (eruption) will not remove any burn stacks. (Apply !M! mysterydungeon:Burn to all enemies.)Exhaust.
Lava PlumeUncommonPower1Whenever you trigger an mysterydungeon:Eruption, apply 12 (17) mysterydungeon:Burn to the target.
Rock TombUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (14) damage and apply 2 Weak to ALL enemies.
SmokescreenUncommonSkill1Gain 9 (12) Block. Next turn gain [E].
Will-O-WispUncommonSkillX(Retain.)Apply 10 mysterydungeon:Burn X times. Exhaust.
Burn UpRareSkill3Add 2 Burn to your draw pile. Apply 50 (60) mysterydungeon:Burn.
Explorer FormRarePower3Whenever you cause an mysterydungeon:Eruption, deal 20 (25) damage to all enemies.
Fire BlastRareSkill1Apply 5 mysterydungeon:Burn. Increase the amount of mysterydungeon:Burn this card applies by 5 (6) permanently. Exhaust.
Flare BlitzRareAttack5Deal 35 (43) damage. For every Status currently in your deck, reduce this card's cost by 1.
Flash FireRarePower1(Innate.)Add 2 Burn (Burn status card) in your draw pile. Each time you play a card apply 2 mysterydungeon:Burn to ALL (all) enemies.
Laser FocusRareSkill0Gain [E] [E].(Draw a card.)
Nature Power: MountainRareSkillXFor the next X (X+1) turns, mysterydungeon:Burn stacks do not decrease by themselves (naturally) on the target (a chosen enemy).
Sleep TalkRarePower2When you create a (For each created) Status, draw 1 card.(Draw a card.)
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
ScratchBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
SnatchBasicAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Gain 5 gold. Create an Attract (Attract+) in your hand. Exhaust.
CovetCommonSkill0Apply 2 Strength to a random enemy. Gain 12 (17) gold.
Fake TearsCommonSkill0Spend 8 gold. Gain 8 (11) Block.
FlashCommonSkill1Spend 10 gold. Gain 4 (5) mysterydungeon:Plated_Armor. Exhaust.
Foul PlayCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. If the last card you played was an Attack, apply 2 (3) Weak.
PunishmentCommonAttack2Deal 10 damage. Deal additionnal damage equal to 5 (7) times the enemy's Strength.
ScreechCommonSkill0Apply 2 (4) Vulnerable. Apply 13 Block.
SnarlCommonSkill1Apply 8 Block. Gain 12 (16) Block.
TauntCommonSkill2Gain 20 (25) gold. End your turn. Exhaust.
ThiefCommonAttack1Deal 6 damage to 2 (3) random enemies. Gain 5 gold 2 (3) times. Exhaust.
Throat ChopCommonAttack0Deal 3 (5) damage. Gain 3 (5) Block. Gain 2 (3) gold.
AmnesiaUncommonPower1Spend 12 gold. Prevent the next 1 (2) time you would lose HP.
AssuranceUncommonAttack0Innate. Deal 6 (9) damage. If the enemy's attacking, apply 1 Weak and gain 7 gold. Exhaust.
CaptivateUncommonSkill0Spend 15 gold. This turn, the target loses 10 (12) Strength.
Dark PulseUncommonAttack0Spend 10 gold. Deal 4 damage to ALL enemies. Add a card from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
FeintUncommonAttack0Remove all block (Block) from the enemy. Deal damage equal to (4 more than) the amount of block (Block) removed.
FlatterUncommonSkill2Apply 2 Strength to ALL enemies. Gain 20 (25) Block.
Fury SwipesUncommonAttack2Deal 10 damage. If you have 20 (15) gold, spend it and increase permanently this card's damage by 5. Exhaust.
Hone ClawsUncommonSkill0Apply 13 Block. Gain 1 (2) Strength.
Hyper VoiceUncommonAttack0Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Spend 5 gold. Deal 8 damage. Increase gold cost by 4 and damage by 6 for the combat. Return the card to your hand.
Lash OutUncommonPower1Whenever you apply Strength or Block to an enemy create 2 (upgraded) Flurry in your hand.
Nasty PlotUncommonSkill0Spend 10 (8) gold. Draw 2 cards.
Power GemUncommonAttack1Deal 12 damage. The next (!M!) card(s) with a gold cost this turn is (are) free.
Psych UpUncommonPower1When you apply Strength to an enemy, gain 2 (3) Strength.
RoarUncommonSkill1Apply 3 (1) Strength. Apply 99 Weak. Exhaust.
SwaggerUncommonSkill2Apply 3 (2) Strength. Apply Stun.
U-TurnUncommonSkill0Spend 10 gold. Create a card from your partner's deck in hand. It cost 0 this turn (combat). Exhaust.
UnnerveUncommonPower1Whenever you spend a total of 25 gold this combat, gain 5 (6) mysterydungeon:Plated_Armor.
Explorer FormRarePower3(Innate.)Every turn the first gold cost is free.
Happy HourRareSkill0Gain 10 gold. Increase the amount by 1 (2) permanently. Exhaust.
Last ResortRareSkill0(Retain.)Spend 25 (15) gold. Discard your hand. Draw 10 cards. Exhaust.
Night SlashRareAttack1Spend 10 gold. Deal 8 (11) damage to ALL enemies. Add ALL 0 cost cards in your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Pay DayRareAttack1(Retain.)Deal 12 damage. Deal additionnal damage equal to money spent this combat.
SpiteRareSkillXSpend 8 (6)X gold. Gain 2X Strength. Exhaust.
SwitcherooRareSkill1(Lose !M! Strength.)Exchange your Strength with the target's Strength. Exhaust.
TechnicianRarePower0Innate. At the start of your turn create a (an upgraded) Flurry in your hand.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
TackleBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
ThundershockBasicAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. If you are not in a stance, gain [E]
Charge BeamCommonSkill1 (0)mysterydungeon:Inert. Channel 2 Lightning. Exhaust
Electric TerrainCommonSkill0mysterydungeon:Inert. (Retain.)Enter Positive Stance. Exhaust.
NuzzleCommonAttack1Deal 4 damage (. Deal 4 damage) per channeled Orb.
Play NiceCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Draw 1 card.
Play RoughCommonAttack2Deal 12 damage. Apply 2 (3) Weak.
Quick AttackCommonAttack0Deal 6 (9) damage.
Shock WaveCommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage to ALL enemies. Apply 1 (2) Lock-On to ALL enemies.
Speed SwapCommonSkill0mysterydungeon:Inert. (Retain.)Enter Negative Stance. Exhaust.
Thunder WaveCommonSkill1(mysterydungeon:Inert.)Gain 4 (6) Block. Gain 6 (10) more Block if you are not in a stance.
AgilityUncommonPower2(Innate.)Whenever you enter a stance, draw 1 card.
DischargeUncommonAttack1Deal 8 damage. Evoke 1 (2) Orb(s).
Eerie ImpulseUncommonPower1Gain 1 (2) Strength. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. Lose 2 Focus.
ElecrowebUncommonSkill0mysterydungeon:Inert. (Retain.)Put 1 cards from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Hidden PowerUncommonSkill1 (0)mysterydungeon:Inert. Choose between a random Attack or Skill to add to your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Iron TailUncommonAttack1Deal 8 damage. Increase this card damage by 4 (8) this combat.
Light ScreenUncommonPower2 (1)At the end of your turn, gain 2 Block per empty Orb slot.
Lightning RodUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Channel 1 Lightning Orb.
ReflectUncommonSkill1Gain 8 Block. Increase this card Block by 4 (8) this combat.
SafeguardUncommonSkill2Gain 14 Block. Retain your hand this (for !M!) turn(s).
SparkUncommonAttack1mysterydungeon:Inert. Deal 9 (12) damage. Do not return to the center of the Charge Meter at the end of your turn. Exhaust.
StaticUncommonPower1(Innate.)For every hit taken, trigger the evoke effect of (not of)your next Orb 1 times.
SwiftUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (15) damage to ALL enemies. Draw 2 cards.
Thunder PunchUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Channel 1 Lightning.
ThunderboltUncommonAttackXDeal 7 (10) damage X times. If the last card played was a skill, gain [E].
Volt SwitchUncommonSkill1mysterydungeon:Inert. Retain. Choose between mysterydungeon:Positive_Stance or mysterydungeon:Negative_Stance and enter the chosen Stance. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Wild ChargeUncommonSkill2mysterydungeon:Inert. (not mysterydungeon:Inert.) Evoke all (ALL) Orbs twice.
Calm MindRarePower0Gain 1 (2) Orb slot(s).
ChargeRarePower1Gain 3 (4) Focus. Remove ALL Orbs.
CharmRareSkill2Apply 3 (5) Vulnerable. Apply 3 (5) Lock-On. Exhaust.
Electro BallRareSkill1Evoke your next orb 2 (3) times. Increase this amount by 1 this combat.
EncoreRareSkill1mysterydungeon:Inert. This turn, your next (!M!) Attack(s) or Skill(s) will be played twice.
Explorer FormRarePower3At the start of your turn, evoke your next Orb, then channel 1 (2) Lightning.
ThunderRarePower2Whenever you evoke an Orb, deal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies.
Volt TackleRareAttack0Innate. Deal 8 (11) damage. Channel 1 (2) Lightning. Exhaust.
Zap CannonRareAttack2 (1)Channel 1 Lightning per enemy. Deal 12 damage to all enemies. Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
TackleBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Water GunBasicAttack1 (0)Deal 8 damage. Scry 2.
Aqua TailCommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. Scry 1. Draw 1 card. Discard 1 card.
BrineCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. If your draw pile has equal or more cards than your discard pile, deal 7 (10) damage.
Flash CannonCommonAttack0Deal damage equal to the number of cards in your discard pile (+ 3).
Flip TurnCommonSkill1Gain 8 Block. Draw 1 (2) card. Discard 1 (2) card.
Ice BeamCommonAttack1Deal 14 (18) damage. Add 1 Freeze to your hand.
Life DewCommonSkill1Scry 2 (3). Draw 2 (3) cards.
Water SpoutCommonAttack0Scry 1 (2). Apply 1 Weak. Deal 3 (4) damage.
Zen HeadbuttCommonAttack0Deal 3 (4) damage Create a (an upgraded) Flinch and add it to your hand.
Aqua RingUncommonSkill0Discard up to 2 (3) cards in your hand. For each card discarded this way, add a (an upgraded) Flinch in your hand.
Double TeamUncommonSkill0Gain 5 (8) Block. When drawn: add a copy of this card in your hand. Exhaust.
EndureUncommonPower1When you play a Status, deal 5 (8) damage to ALL enemies. This damage behaves like Attack damage.
Fake OutUncommonAttack0Innate. Deal 5 (6) damage. Gain 5 (6) Block. Scry 1 (2). Exhaust.
Gyro BallUncommonAttack1Add 1 Freeze to your hand. Deal 5 (8) damage per Status in your hand. Discard ALL Statuses in your hand.
HailUncommonPower1Whenever you draw cards, deal 1 (3) damage to ALL enemies.
HazeUncommonSkill0Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Add 3 Freeze to your discard pile.
Iron DefenseUncommonPower2Gain 3 (4) Dexterity.
LiquidationUncommonAttack2Deal 15 (20) damage to ALL enemies.
MistUncommonSkill2Gain 12 (16) Block. Gain 1 Artifact.
Rain DanceUncommonPower1(Innate.)When a card is created this combat, gain 1 Temporary Strength.
Rapid SpinUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. If the enemy intends to attack, gain 1 artifact.
ScaldUncommonAttack1Discard up to 3 cards. Deal 4 (6) damage and apply 4 (6) mysterydungeon:Burn per card discarded that way.
TorrentUncommonPower1Whenever you shuffle your draw pile, gain 3 (5) Temporary Strength.
Water PulseUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (15) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
WhirlpoolUncommonSkillXAt the start of your X (X+1) next turns, draw 2 more cards and discard 2 cards. Exhaust.
WithdrawUncommonSkill1Shuffle your discard pile into your deck. Gain 2 (3) Block per card in hand.
BideRareSkill1Gain 12 Block. Until next turn, when you get attacked, gain 1 (2) Temporary Strength.
Body PressRareSkill3Gain 12 Block. Add 2 (3) (upgraded) Flinch into your hand. They cost 0 this turn.
DiveRareSkill3Exhaust all your statuses. Add 4 (6) Hazes in random locations in your draw pile and discard pile. Exhaust.
Explorer FormRarePower3(Innate.)At the start of your turn draw one more card and increase this gain by one.
Hydro CannonRareAttack2Deal 20 (27) damage to ALL enemies. Shuffle 2 Freeze into your draw pile.
Mirror CoatRareSkill1Gain 1 (2) Blur and 10 Block.
Rain DishRarePower1(Innate.)Whenever a card is manually scried or discarded, gain 3 Block.
Shell SmashRarePower2Gain 4 (6) Strength. Shuffle 2 Freeze into your draw pile.
Skull Bash: Ready!RareSkill1(Innate.)Shuffle a Skull Bash: Set in your draw pile.
SubstituteRareSkill0Choose a card from your draw pile. Add it (a copy of that card) to your hand and put a Wound where (at) the card was (card's location). Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Ice FangBasicAttack1(Innate.)Deal 9 (12) damage. Channel 1 Frost.
ScratchBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
BiteCommonAttack2Deal 13 (15) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
BlockCommonSkill1Gain 4 (7) Block. Channel 1 Frost.
Ice BeamCommonAttack2Deal 8 (11) damage. Channel 2 Frost.
Ice PunchCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Channel 1 Frost. Evoke 1 Orb.
StrengthCommonSkill1 (0)Scry 1 card. Draw 1 card. If you drew an Attack card this way, channel 1 Frost.
Water GunCommonAttack1Discard the 2 (3) top cards of your draw pile. Deal 10 (15) damage.
Water PulseCommonAttack0Discard the top 4 (5) cards of your draw pile. For each card discarded this way, deal 3 damage.
Water SportCommonSkill1Discard the top (2) card(s) of your draw pile. Gain 6 (9) mysterydungeon:Vigor.
Aqua JetUncommonAttack0Innate. Deal 5 damage. Next turn gain 3 (5) mysterydungeon:Vigor.
Aqua TailUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (11) damage. Scry 2 (3).
AvalancheUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you activate an Orb, deal damage equal to your Block to a random enemy.
Chip AwayUncommonAttack1Deal 7 damage. Gain as much (!M! more) mysterydungeon:Vigor as (than) you had before playing this card.
CrunchUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Choose a card from your discard pile and add it to your hand.
DiveUncommonSkill0Retain. Discard 2 (3) cards from your hand.(Draw 2 cards.)
EndureUncommonPower1The next 2 (3) times you would take damage, do not take any and discard the top 6 cards of your draw pile.
HailUncommonSkillUnplayable. (mysterydungeon:Scoop-up.)When discarded: Channel 1 Frost.
Icy WindUncommonSkill1 (0)mysterydungeon:Inert. Channel 2 Frost. Exhaust.
RageUncommonSkillXAt the start of the next X (X+1) turn, gain 7 mysterydungeon:Vigor. Exhaust.
Rain DanceUncommonSkillUnplayable. (mysterydungeon:Scoop-up.)When discarded: Gain 5 mysterydungeon:Vigor.
Sheer ForceUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you deal 21 or more unblocked damage, channel 1 Frost.
SubstituteUncommonSkill0Innate. (Retain.)Discard the top 10 (15) cards from your draw pile. Put Attack cards discarded this way in your hand. Exhaust.
ThrashUncommonPower1Every 4 (3) Attack you play, gain 8 mysterydungeon:Vigor.
Water PledgeUncommonSkill1Channel 1 Frost. Gain 3 (6) mysterydungeon:Vigor. If you play another mysterydungeon:Pledge_Card this turn, activate a special effect.
WaterfallUncommonPower1At the end of your turn shuffle your draw pile. At the start of your turn Scry 4 (6).
WhirlpoolUncommonSkill1Discard the top 4 cards of your draw pile. Gain 1 Focus. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Work UpUncommonPower0If you do not have any empty Orb Slot, gain 1 (2) Orb Slots.
BlizzardRareAttack2Deal damage equal to 5 (6) times the number of orbs channeled this combat.
Double TeamRareSkill0You may add 1 (2) card(s) from your discard pile to the top of your draw pile. You may add 1 (2) card(s) from your discard pile to your hand. Exhaust.
Explorer FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the start of your turn, add 1 card from your discard pile to your hand. Draw one less card per turn.
Hydro CannonRareAttack5 (4)Costs 1 less [E] for each card discarded this turn. Deal 25 damage.
Hydro PumpRareAttack1Retain. Can only be used if there are no (!M!) cards left (or less) in your draw pile. Deal 30 damage.
LiquidationRareAttack1Deal 16 (20) damage to ALL enemies.
Nature Power: SeaRareSkill1Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Gain 7 (10) mysterydungeon:Vigor.
SurfRarePower1(Innate.)Whenever you discard a card, for every discarded card, gain 1 mysterydungeon:Temporary_Vigor.
TorrentRareSkillUnplayable. (mysterydungeon:Scoop-up)When discarded: Gain 1 Focus.

Mystery Dungeon relics

Brave ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorEach combat, the first time you end your turn without Block apply 2Vulnerable to ALL enemies.A brave Explorer
Calm ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorDraw 1 card and gain [E] at the start of every fight.What is this?
Docile ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorWhen you receive a Debuff, gain 2 Block on the following turn.What is this?
Hardy ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorThe first time you lose HP each turn, gain 5Block. If this HP loss was from a monster's attack, do not remove your Block at the start of the next turn.What is this?
Impish ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorThe first time you evoke an orb each combat, gain 1Focus.What is this?
Jolly ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorStart each combat with an Agility.What is this?
Naive ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorAt the start of your turn, if you have not taken any damage from attacks this combat, your next Attack deals 3 more damage.What is this?
Nature Related RelicStarterDefault_gray_colorYou will receive a relic that depends on your nature.What is this?
Quirky ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorGain 5% more Gold in combat rewards.What is this?
Relaxed ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorAt the start of your turn, Scry1.What is this?
Timid ExplorerStarterDefault_gray_colorAt the end of each turn, if you have any leftover energy, spend 1 and retain a card.What is this?
Fire GemCommonDefault_gray_colorAt the start of each combat, apply 10Burn to ALL enemies.This gem is imbued with the essence of fire and will boost the power of a Fire-type moves, but only once.
LeftoversCommonDefault_gray_colorAt the end of each combat heal 3HP.Some food left from your last meal
Water GemCommonDefault_gray_colorWhen you deal more than 20 attack damage in a single hit, deal 5 damage to ALL enemies.This gem is imbued with the essence of water and will boost the power of a Water-type moves, but only once.
Black GlassesUncommonDefault_gray_colorAt the start of each turn, deal damage to ALL enemies equal to their Strength.It's a pair of shady- looking glasses that boost the power of the holder's Dark-type moves.
Grassy SeedUncommonDefault_gray_colorAt the start of combat add a random attack to your draw pile. It costs 0 this combat.It boosts Defense on Grassy Terrain.
CharcoalRareDefault_gray_colorEvery time you apply a debuff deal 1 damage to ALL enemies.It's a combustible fuel that boosts the power of Fire-type moves.
Big RootSpecialDefault_gray_colorWhenever you are at 70% or less of your max HP, gain Recovery.What is this?
Light BallSpecialDefault_gray_colorOnce per turn, when you play a power and you are not in a stance, gain 1orbslot.It's a puzzling orb that boosts its Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
Amulet CoinBossDefault_gray_colorCards no longer cost you money in combat. At the start of your turn, spend 20 gold.It doubles any prize money received as long as the holder joins the battle at least once.
Cell BatteryBossDefault_gray_colorThe ChargeMeter will now have 3 steps between stances. You no longer return to the center of the charge meter at the start of your turn.A consumable battery. If the holder is hit by an Electric-type move, its Attack will rise.
Flame PlateBossDefault_gray_colorGain [E] at the start of your turn. At the end of your turn, trigger an Eruption on ALL enemies.This stone tablet is imbued with the essence of fire and boosts the power of the holder's Fire-type moves.
Life OrbBossDefault_gray_colorGain [E] at the start of your turn. At the end of your turn, exhaust a random card from your hand.It boosts the power of moves, but at the cost of some HP on each hit.
Meadow PlateBossDefault_gray_colorGain 20maxHP. At the start of combat if you have more than 65% of your maxHP lose HP until you have 65% of your maxHP. If you have less than 65% of your maxHP, heal 10HP.A stone tablet imbued with the essence of plants. When used on a certain Pokémon, it allows that Pokémon to gain the power of the Grass type.
MetronomeBossDefault_gray_colorAt the start of each turn add a random card from a Pokémon that is not in your team to your hand. It costs 0 this turn.It follows its own rhythm.
Miracle SeedBossDefault_gray_colorEvery time you apply 3Debuffs in a single turn draw a card.Its a seed invued with life force that boosts the power of Grass-type moves.
Mystic WaterBossDefault_gray_colorGain [E] at the start of your turn. Reduce your maximum hand size by 2.This teardrop-shaped gem boosts the power of Water-type moves.
Splash PlateBossDefault_gray_colorThe first time you evoke an Orb each turn, gain [E] .This stone tablet is imbued with the essence of water and boosts the power of the holder's Water-type moves.
Wave IncenseShopDefault_gray_colorDuring combat, ALL cards you create are upgraded.This incense has a curious aroma that boosts the power of Water-type moves.

Mystery Dungeon potions

Aspear BerryCommonDiscard any number of cards from your hand. Draw 2 cards.
Aux PowerCommonYour next attack deals 10 more damage.
Meowth CandyCommonSpend 20 gold. Do the effects of 2 random Potions.
NuggetCommonGain 20 gold.
PoisonBarbCommonApply 6Poison to an enemy.
ElixirUncommonGain [E] [E] [E] . Add 2Burn to your hand.
Flame OrbUncommonApply 20Burn to ALL enemies.
Mago BerryUncommonHeal 20 HP. Gain 4Poison.
Pikachu CandyUncommonEnter Positive or NegativeStance.
Rawst BerryUncommonApply 15Burn. Burn stacks don't decrease for 1 turn on the target.
Starf BerryUncommonGain 10Vigor.
X AttackUncommonAdd 3Flinch to your hand. They cost 0 this turn.
Aux Power GuardRareGain 2Focus.
Dire HitRareYour next attack deals double damage.
Leppa BerryRareChoose 2 cards to retain at the end of your turn.
Sitrus BerryRarePut 1 card from your exhaust pile in your hand.
X Sp. AttackRareFill all your Orb slots with Lightning.

Mystery Dungeon keywords

AsleepWhen an enemy is asleep, it will not act until it receives damage. When it receives damage, it will go back to the intent it had before sleeping.
BurnFor each 5 stacks, enemy deals 1 less damage. Decreases by a third of all stacks at the end of the round.
ClawAny card with "Claw" in its name counts as a claw.
EruptionDeal damage to the target equal to the amount of Burn stacks on the target. Remove all Burn stacks.
Evasiveness DropAt the end of the round, enemy loses 50% of their Block.
InertThis card will not affect the Charge-Meter.
Leech SeedAt the start of their turn, for each Leech Seed the enemy has, it loses 1HP, and you gain 1HP. At the end of the turn, if the leech seed's owner has not taken any damage from any other source, the amount is reduced by half.
Negative StanceThe first 2Skill played each turn will grant you 1Focus each. When you exit this Stance,evoke your next 2Orbs.
Plated ArmorAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to the number of Plated Armor Stacks. Reduce this amount by one evertime you take damage from an enemies attack.
Pledge CardPledgeCards are FirePledge,GrassPledge and WaterPledge. Fire+Grass: 9 Poison to ALL enemies. Fire+Water: 2 Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Grass+Water: 2 Weak to ALL enemies. Grass+Grass: Gain 1 Thorns. Fire+Fire: Gain 1 energy. Water+Water: Gain 3 Temporary Strength.
Poison ThornsEvery time you get attacked, attacker receives Poison.
Positive StanceWhen you play an Attack,channel1Lightning if you have any empty Orb slot. When you exit this stance, gain 7Block.
RecoveryWhen you receives damage, increase the number of Recovery stacks by as much damage you received. When you deal attack damage, heal 30% of the attack damage dealt up to the number of Recovery stacks you had last turn.
RestYou cannot play cards that target the enemy.
Scoop-UpAt the start of your turn but after you draw, if this card is in your discard pile add it to the top of your draw pile.
Temporary HPAdditional defense that will take damage instead of your HP. It acts like HP. You keep TemporaryHP between turns but not between rooms.
Temporary VigorGain Vigor, but lose Vigor at the end of your turn.
ToxicPoison on enemies affected by Toxic go up by the amount of stack instead of going down.
VigorYour next attack deals 1 more damage per Vigor stack (before applying powers like Vulnerable and such).

Mystery Dungeon creatures

the PokémonPlayer0